For the first 9 months after our son was born my workouts fell from 4 per week to 2. Each session at the gym was solely strength training with no cardio work. Walking our lab twice a day was the only exercise outside of the gym. And from the shape of my body after nine months of walking the dog and going to the gym twice a week, I can assure you that I was totally out of shape. Still strong by gym standards, but out of shape and not feeling good physically.

Check out a couple video clips from my typical Leg Day during that period. Again, strength was not the issue, it was my overall health that was declining (confirmed with a visit to the doctor’s office) and I was not feeling good in my body – heavy and lethargic during the day.

The major life change of becoming a dad for the first time and experiencing heavy sleep deprivation as well as all of the other impacts led me to abandon my background as an athlete and coach for a while. I think that’s natural, but being in my 50s means that I cannot let my fitness and nutrition slide for any longer than I have.

I just completed my first week of hybrid workouts where I’m doing both cardio and weight training together. Maintaining and even building muscle at this age is essential to my health and enjoyment in life, so I’m not going to slack on pushing the heavy weights. However, cardio is primary concern and that’s how I start each workout. Since I’m just getting my cardio fitness engaged again my approach is poco a poco (little by little). Below is today’s workout, if you’re curious. You’ll note that my volume of exercises is light. I just went with how I was feeling and that is an essential skill for older athletes. We need to be in tune with our state of recovery and if at the beginning of a workout the soreness/fatigue is noteworthy, then it’s time to figure out how much to back off.

Today’s workout:


15 minutes on the stationary bike immediately followed by 10 minutes on the treadmill at a very easy run pace (12 minutes a mile).


Hack Squat – I chose this over back squats as my legs felt overworked by my fourth hybrid workout of the week. I don’t think any heavy lift is more demanding on the body than back squats so excluding it from today’s session was an easy choice. Also, the baby has a couple of teeth just coming in and that wakes him and us throughout the night as we soothe him.

Marshall Foran - Life coaching and performance training

1st set 10 reps x 135 lbs

2nd set 8 reps x 225 lbs

3rd set 8 reps x 275 lbs

4th Set 8 reps x 295 lbs

Deadlift – I started off feeling strong and faded toward the end of the last two sets. I knew I had to back off the weight today before I even started the deadlifts, but was surprised at my fatigue on the last set. I think a lot of that has to do with poor sleep the last three nights. My legs felt thoroughly worked during my last few reps. The plan was to go to the hip sled (leg press) next, but I concluded my workout after the last deadlift set based on how I was feeling.

Marshall Foran - Life coaching and performance training

1st set 10 reps x 225 lbs

2nd set 8 reps x 275 lbs

3rd set 6 reps x 315lbs

4th set 5 reps x 365 lbs


Breakfast – 6:30AM

Water: 24 oz (3 cups)

Coffee: 16 oz latte, ½ caffeinated

Two slices of sprouted grain bread with hummus

Post Work – 9:30AM

Water: 32 oz (4 cups)

2 eggs over sprouted grain English muffins

1 slice sprouted grain bread with peanut butter

2 cups Greek yogurt with 2 cups of fruit

Lunch – 12:30PM


Almond milk: 16 oz (2 cups)

Kale: 1 cup

Broccoli: 2 cups

Frozen berry mix: 1 cup

Vegan protein powder (Sun Warrior Plant Based Protein Powder)


Water: 16 oz (2 cups)

Pasta: 3 cups tagliatelle

Sauce: Marinara with plant based sausage